Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Call Me An Angel! Have You Missed Anything In Your Business Plan Before You Seek Out Investors?

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." but, does it bring all of the investors to the yard? Your business plan needs to address the questions that investors will be asking themselves as you pitch your "milkshake" dance to the people that you want stuffing your G-string with cash!

  •  Is there an actual need for what ever it is that you want to sell?
  •  Is the product fully developed?
  •  Does your business plan show how the product or service will solve a problem in the industry
  •  Does your product or service  create a revolution or paradigm shift in the industry?
  •  Is there a lot of money to be made? How large is the market that you want to tap into and do you have the expertise and the background to go after it and gain your share? Does your Financial Business Plan detail positive cash flows and strong revenue growth? Are the figures realistic? 
  • Who is going to buy your product or service?
  • Do you have customers buying your product or service now or a commitment from them that they will buy from you?
  • Does your business plan detail your own investment in start-up or product?
  • Does your business plan have an exit strategy for your investor such as issuing an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
  • How do you get your product from your shop to the shelves or consumers?
  • Always remember that investors are in investing in you, your team, and the business model. Does your business plan showcase the strengths of your experience and background?
If you would like to learn more about the process of  Angel Investment go to the Angel Capital Association

Starbucks is raising money from the proceeds of their javalicious sales to help finance small businesses so that they can hire employees and get our economy back on track! So, go get your Starbucks on!

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